Landscape Developments

Regenerative Landscapes are emerging to enable supply chain transformation.

In contrast to "commodity centric" supply chain models, Landscapes embrace the complexities of ecological, social and economic activities and impacts across geographies.

Landscapes go further to enhance the economic outcomes of each participating stakeholder by driving scaled participation.

Landscape Development

The movement to Landscape Developments is a multi-trillion dollar systems change that will have lasting effects across ag & food systems and other sectors.

What Are Others Saying

"Working at a landscape level creates an opportunity for farmers and stakeholders to engage with local communities, restore natural habitats, manage water sustainably and improve soil health… Transitioning towards regenerative landscapes requires a multifaceted approach..." The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)

"Taking a landscape approach acknowledges supply chains are embedded within larger ecosystems – and managing them requires a holistic perspective that considers environmental, social and economic factors across entire jurisdictions." Innotivation Forum

"Landscape and jurisdictional approaches can help address risks and impacts of commodity production that are beyond the full control of individual companies. These place-based initiatives convene stakeholders to collaboratively pursue common environmental, social, and economic goals in a specific area." Accountability Framework Initiative

Collaborative landscape action can accelerate regenerative food systems transformation… There is rich experience of landscape partnerships around the world making food more sustainable and beneficial for people and nature...Regen10

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